Thursday 25 November 2010

Devon students occupy Plymouth University in protest against fees

Plymouth students like others in the country are occupying a part of the University. Below is their statement.

Dear University of Plymouth Staff, faculty and students,
We would like to state this is a non-violent and peaceful
occupation protest of the cuts and proposed rise of Tuition fees for
Further and Higher Education by the coalition government. 
We have the following demands to the University of Plymouth and
request a written statement in response to the following before we
agree a satisfactory end of the occupation.
i. The University to condemn the cuts and support the
student body and lecturers and oppose the proposed
higher tuition fees for Higher and Further education.
ii. The protection of Widening Participation at the University
of Plymouth.
iii. That the University of Plymouth Student Union receives
no cuts to it’s budget due to changes in the block grant
allocation, so it can continue to represent the rights of the
student body at maximum ability.
iv. We demand that a Student Union Representative is
present at future meetings concerning budgets that
directly effect students.
v. We demand that the University states its intentions and
plans for Arts and Humanities. The response should
include: lecturing staff, undergraduate, postgraduate and
research of all areas.
vi. We demand that there be no redundancies to any staff,
ancillary or sub-contracted staff.
vii. We demand financial cuts to senior staff salaries of
£100,000 and over.
viii. We demand that any rise in fees to be reflected with a rise
in bursaries, hardship and access funds for low income
students and families and those with disabilities. 
ix. We demand the University re-dress the balance of
education over enterprise.
x. We demand that the University agree to make a
statement in support for solidarity of the victimisation of
the Millbank Protesters of 10/11/10.
xi. We demand that the University states it will take no
disciplinary action to any participants or supporters of the
occupation and support our actions.
We will only accept a written response to these demands and will
remain until we agree that the demands have been met
satisfactorily and assurances that they will be upheld.

Our intention is not to interrupt the studies of fellow students or
lecturers and welcome support from those who wish to join us or
join the rally. We will be planning informational events, debates
and visual material during the occupation.
These will be listed on facebook- Cuts/142291359155295?ref=ts&v=wall  with updates.  

We Invite students, staff, interested parties to join us and express
your support by making a statement for us to display, there will be
a petition for support to be sent to Downing Street.
We would like to state that Universities are places of education
and should not be privatised and are not businesses. This would
be detrimental to the cultural fabric and structure of communities

 In solidarity we unite...
The University of Plymouth Occupation Group (UPOG)

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